Josh Goldberg

Binary Arithmetic in the TypeScript Type System

Oct 11, 201920 minute read

Just for fun, what if we represented binary values purely within TypeScript's logical type system?

(updated 10/19 with typo fixes)


Throughout the tech stacks and projects you could work on, the idea of a language is constant. Language describes how reality should be.

JavaScript describes how to create objects and manipulate them in an environment such as a browser, Node, or Deno. TypeScript contains that JavaScript language and a types language to describe the shapes your objects an be.

Take this Movie description:

type Movie = {
	name: string;
	rating: number;

We’re declaring in the TypeScript type system that all “Movie” objects must have two properties:

This TypeScript snippet contains JavaScript code declaring the creation of a movie variable and type system code declaring the type of that variable to be Movie:

const movie: Movie = {
	name: "This is Spinal Tap",
	rating: 11,


The type system can also represent “it’s one of these” (union) types such as this RawId:

type RawId = number | string;

Anything of type RawId may be either a number or a string. In this snippet, the id variable is happy as either of those:

let id: RawId;

id = 123;
id = "abc";

…but if we give it something else, the type system complains:

// Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'RawId'
id = false;

Also cool.


The end goal of this rant is to implement binary arithmetic in the TypeScript type system. That means we’ll have to:

  1. Create types representing computer bits
  2. Create types representing operations performed on those bits
  3. Perform fancy operations on those types


To start:

type Bit = 0 | 1;

Variables of type Bit can be either the number 0 or the number 1.

Given a myBit variable declared of type Bit, these values are fine:

let bit: Bit;

bit = 0;
bit = 1;

…but, as with the id variable above, values not of type Bit (0 or 1) are not allowed:

// Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'Bit'.
myBit = 2;
myBit = 1 + 1;

Bit Values

We can also represent the more specific bit values of 0 and 1 within the type system. Just as we declared a general Bit type to represent anything that’s either of those, we can declare types to be those specific values:

type BitZero = 0;
type BitOne = 1;

Those types exist only within the type system. If you wanted to think of the operations we’re running here as having equivalents in plain old JavaScript, the equivalent would be:

const BitZero = 0;
const BitOne = 1;

Generic Types

In some cases we’ll want to describe a new type based off a previous type.

type BitFlip<T> = T extends 0 ? 1 : 0;

This BitFlip type is a generic, or templated type.

We’ll use “extends” as a sort-of-equal operator. (It’s more of a “can be described by” operator.)

Given a usage of BitFlip, we can clue in to what it’ll result in by filling in the code:

  1. type BitOne = BitFlip<0>;
  2. type BitOne = 0 extends 0 ? 1 : 0;
  3. type BitOne = 1;

Type Phrasing

Another way of looking at the these types could be to translate them to functional TypeScript code. If a generic type takes in a previous type, then we can consider those equivalent to arguments passed to a function. The new type could be the returned value from that function.

function BitFlip(T) {
	return T === 0 ? 1 : 0;

Voila! Subsequent examples here will come with both the type system and traditional code variants.

Type Safety

Problem: how do we restrict the input types… of our types?

Suppose someone passes an invalid template type to BitFlip:

// We probably want some kind of type// system complaint, right?
type Wat = BitFlip<"Nope">;

Types allow ’extends’ with generics to limit what you’re allowed to give them. If we add an extends Bit to the BitFlip’s T:

type BitFlip<T extends Bit> = T extends 0 ? 1 : 0;

…we’ll be told by the type system when we pass the wrong types in:

// Type '"Nope"' does not satisfy the constraint 'Bit'.
type Wat = BitFlip<"Nope">;

That’s the equivalent of adding a parameter type declaration to a regular function.

function BitFlip(T: Bit) {
	return T === 0 ? 1 : 0;

Tuple Types!

Generics can take in multiple templated types. Each is allowed its own extends clause.

Even better, we can perform operations such as extends on “tuple” types, which are fixed-length arrays containing types at specific indices:

type BitAnd<A extends Bit, B extends Bit> = [A, B] extends [1, 1] ? 1 : 0;

In other words, the BitAnd type takes in two bits: A and B. If [A, B] is [1, 1] (so both A and B are 1), then the resultant type is 1. In any other case the resultant type is 0.

function BitAnd(A: Bit, B: Bit) {
	return A === 1 && B === 1 ? 1 : 0;

In other other words, the returned type is 1 if both A and B are, and 0 otherwise.

Bit Addition

We’re getting closer to binary arithmetic! First: how do you add two bits (0 | 1)?

Let’s show that in code:

// Output: [Sum, Carry]
type BitAdd<A extends Bit, B extends Bit> = [A, B] extends [0, 0]
	? [0, 0]
	: [A, B] extends [1, 0] | [0, 1]
	? [1, 0]
	: [0, 1];


Amusingly, the type system version of BitAdd is a little bit more concise than its JavaScript equivalent:

function BitAdd(A: Bit, B: Bit) {
	if (A === 0 && B === 0) return [0, 0];
	if (A === 0 && B === 1) return [1, 0];
	if (A === 1 && B === 0) return [0, 1];
	return [0, 1];

Introducing Integers

An “eight bit integer” is an integer value represented using… eight bits!

The value of an Int8 is the sum of its bits, where each bit contributes twice as much as the previous to the total.

type Int8 = [Bit, Bit, Bit, Bit, Bit, Bit, Bit, Bit];

Tada! 🎉

type Zero = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
type One = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
type Two = [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
type Three = [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
type Four = [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
// ...and so on...

It’s getting tedious to type out these values using all 8 bits manually. There’s an easier way to generate them…

Mapped Types

A “mapped type” is one that transforms the properties of some input type. It… maps them! I want to make a “ZeroOut” helper that takes in an original array of bits and converts all its values to 0.

type ZeroOut<Ints extends Bit[]> = {
	[Index in keyof Ints]: 0;

Seen in JavaScript:

function ZeroOut(Ints: Bit[]) {
	return => 0);

Array#map and our mapped types come from the same term – to map from one type to another. Map!

More Mapping

Taking mapped types one step further, we can replace just a subset of an original type. This mapped type uses conditional logic to swap out some bits from an original, input array of bits.

type ReplaceBits<Bits extends Bit[], Replacements extends Bit[]> = {
	[Index in keyof Bits]: Index extends keyof Replacements
		? Replacements[Index]
		: Bits[Index];

Running through the logic in order:

  1. Bits and Replacements are input types, both of which must be describable as Bit[]s
  2. The resultant type maps over the Indexed values in Bits
  3. Each of the new, mapped values is one of two things:
    1. If the Index exists in the Replacements array, we’ll use that (replacing) value
    2. If not, use the original value under Bits[Index]
type One = ReplaceBits<Zero, [1]>; // [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
type Two = ReplaceBits<Zero, [0, 1]>; // [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
type Three = ReplaceBits<Zero, [1, 1]>; // [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

In JavaScript:

function ReplaceBits(Bits: Bit[], Replacements: Bit[]) {
	return, Index) => {
		return Index in Object.keys(Replacements) ? Replacements[Index] : Original;

Addition with Bits

As with decimal (10) based addition, numbers overflow as “carries” to the next column. Since this is binary, you can overflow a 1.

Suppose you wanted to add 110 to 111.

110 + 111 = 1101.

Representing each column’s three bits of addition in the type system:

// Output: [Sum, Carry]
type BitAddThree<A extends Bit, B extends Bit, C extends Bit> = [
] extends [0, 0, 0]
	? [0, 0]
	: [A, B, C] extends [1, 0, 0] | [0, 1, 0] | [0, 0, 1]
	? [1, 0]
	: [A, B, C] extends [1, 1, 0] | [1, 0, 1] | [0, 1, 1]
	? [0, 1]
	: [1, 1];

If you think that’s a mouthful, take a look at the JavaScript equivalent:

function BitAddThree(A: Bit, B: Bit, C: Bit) {
	if (A === 0 && B === 0 && C === 0) return [0, 0];
	if (
		(A === 1 && B === 0 && C === 0) ||
		(A === 0 && B === 1 && C === 0) ||
		(A === 0 && B === 0 && C === 1)
		return [1, 0];
	if (
		(A === 1 && B === 1 && C === 0) ||
		(A === 1 && B === 0 && C === 1) ||
		(A === 0 && B === 1 && C === 1)
		return [0, 1];
	return [1, 1];

Getting Ready to Rock! 🤘

…how do we set up bit adds of all columns in our input binary?

Also, adding eight bits together means we might have to carry a bit from index 0 to 1, then from index 1 to 2, etc. all the way to the last bit.

…how do we store variables in our types?

Helper: Get [Sum, Carry]s of Two Int8s

In theory, we could add our bit columns together by mapping the known shared keys from them, 0 through 8, to the BitAdd of the those two bits.

// Output: [[Sum, Carry], [Sum, Carry], [Sum, Carry], ...]
type BitAdds<A extends Int8, B extends Int8> = {
	[P in 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7]: BitAdd<A[P], B[P]>;

Seeing this in JavaScript, it’s a little cleaner:

function BitAdds(A: Int8, B: Int8) {
	return [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8].map((P) => BitAdd(A[P], B[P]));

(this utility isn’t necessary for the final result - it’s just cool)

Generic Parameter Defaults

We’ll use a quirk of generics to store variables within a type.

type ContrivedExample<
	A extends Bit,
	B extends Bit,
	C extends BitAnd<A, B> = BitAnd<A, B>,
> = [A, B, C];

The C generic is the equivalent of a variable:

Tl;dr: C = BitAnd<A, B>.

We’re Almost Ready!

So exciting! We’re almost ready to implement 8 bit integer additions in the type system.

Before we get into the TypeScript implementation, here’s the JavaScript equivalent for reference:

function Int8Add(A: Int8, B: Int8) {
	// Grab the Sum and Carry for the result's first bit
	const At0 = BitAdd(A[0], B[0]);

	// The result at each index is the Sum from that index + the previous Carry.
	const At1 = BitAddThree(A[1], B[1], At0[1]);
	const At2 = BitAddThree(A[2], B[2], At1[1]);
	const At3 = BitAddThree(A[3], B[3], At2[1]);
	const At4 = BitAddThree(A[4], B[4], At3[1]);
	const At5 = BitAddThree(A[5], B[5], At4[1]);
	const At6 = BitAddThree(A[6], B[6], At5[1]);
	const At7 = BitAddThree(A[7], B[7], At6[1]);

	return [At0[0], At1[0], At2[0], At3[0], At4[0], At5[0], At6[0], At7[0]];

…and now, 8 bit binary arithmetic in the TypeScript type system! ✨

type Int8Add<
	A extends Int8,
	B extends Int8,
	// Grab the Sum and Carry for the result's first bit
	At0 extends BitAdd<A[0], B[0]> = BitAdd<A[0], B[0]>,
	// The result at each index is the Sum from that index + the previous Carry.
	At1 extends BitAddThree<A[1], B[1], At0[1]> = BitAddThree<A[1], B[1], At0[1]>,
	At2 extends BitAddThree<A[2], B[2], At1[1]> = BitAddThree<A[2], B[2], At1[1]>,
	At3 extends BitAddThree<A[3], B[3], At2[1]> = BitAddThree<A[3], B[3], At2[1]>,
	At4 extends BitAddThree<A[4], B[4], At3[1]> = BitAddThree<A[4], B[4], At3[1]>,
	At5 extends BitAddThree<A[5], B[5], At4[1]> = BitAddThree<A[5], B[5], At4[1]>,
	At6 extends BitAddThree<A[6], B[6], At5[1]> = BitAddThree<A[6], B[6], At5[1]>,
	At7 extends BitAddThree<A[7], B[7], At6[1]> = BitAddThree<A[7], B[7], At6[1]>,
> = [At0[0], At1[0], At2[0], At3[0], At4[0], At5[0], At6[0], At7[0]];

We did it!

Next Steps

Extra credit: what else can you make with this?

Even better, use your knowledge for good: contribute to DefinitelyTyped!

Thanks for reading!